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#NoBraDay is trending on Twitter, but here's what you need to know

Allow us to explain.

ACCORDING TO THE internet, today is National No Bra Day. You may have seen people talking about it on Twitter.

Even Topshop tweeted about it.

But what is it? A legitimate charitable exercise or an internet craze?

Let’s find out.

What is #NoBraDay?

#NoBraDay is a ‘holiday’ that encourages women to go braless on October 13th in order to raise awareness for breast cancer. It has been a sort of thing for the past few years and the internet is mad about it.

The two images below have been shared widely.

No-Bra-Day-copy-300x300 Source: Awareness Days

Who is behind it?

That’s a good question. #NoBraDays appears to have just been invented by the internet. No charitable organisation is affiliated with it and it doesn’t appear to have an official presence beyond a hashtag on Twitter.

It seems that the date was chosen to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but beyond that its roots are ambiguous.

Are people participating in it?

Seems like it! Aside from trending in the United States today, it seems like a lot of women are sharing #NoBraDay selfies. (Interestingly, it really seems to have taken off in countries like Indonesia and Kenya.)

There are a number of NSFW images that we can’t share here, but searching through the hashtag reveals that many women are posting selfies of themselves sans bra in the well-intentioned name of breast cancer awareness.

The hashtag has also been hijacked and used to share countless nude photos, as well as numerous photos of rapper Rick Ross.

As well as a number of creepy tweets.


So, it’s basically all about boobs and creeps, and not really about breast cancer awareness?

It’s turned into that, unfortunately.

In fact, many have openly questioned the validity of such a day and whether it serves any real purpose.

Although that is not to say that there haven’t been several well-intentioned tweets reminding women to perform self-examinations.

But it’s far from what the whole thing is about, unfortunately.

So, in conclusion…

It won’t be the next #NoMakeUpSelfie.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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